Saturday, July 14, 2012

Omega Man, The (1971)

The Omega Man is my personal favorite version of I Am Legend, but it takes enormous liberties with the source material. Charlton Heston grouses his way through the film--as usual--playing Robert Neville, a scientist trying to develop a vaccine for a plague that resulted from biological warfare. He remains the last known illness-free survivor. In The Last Man on Earth (1964) and I Am Legend (2007), the plague turns people into vampire-zombies, but in The Omega Man they become light-sensitive albino Luddites called "The Family," ritually attacking and opposing any technology that reminds them of their former selves. The film is silly and campy, the worst of which is Heston talking to himself in the first half of the film. The film also really bounces for 1971, with some really dynamic action sequences and a pretty quick pace. The 70s TV music-style soundtrack also helps this quite a bit. Not a great film, but certainly a fun one.


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