Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lawnmower Man, The (1992)

The Lawnmower Man is basically Flowers for Algernon for the cyberpunk genre. Pierce Brosnan plays a scientist who takes a mentally handicapped man and uses virtual reality technology to make him smarter with monstrous and unexpected results. While neither lead actor is particularly bad, almost the entirety of the supporting cast is just horrible--from the cops to the FBI agents to you name it. The FBI sub-plot is derivative, the dialogue is atrocious, and the CG effects are embarrassingly bad (I realize it's from 1992, but come on it's still bad). And there's just too goddamn much! The climax is so incredibly convoluted and full of holes that I couldn't believe they actually went with it. In fact, I think the only thing I really liked about the film is the concept. At least we got a few good shots of the soon-to-be Bond running around with a gun and a bag of explosives... which just reminded me how much I would be rather watching Goldeneye.


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