Friday, January 11, 2013

Expendables 2, The (2012)

The Expendables 2 is a dismal affair starring a bunch of my favorite actors who are showing their age. Sylvester Stallone leads the Expendables team again in the action film equivalent of an early silent slapstick comedy: a clothesline on which to hang the gags. Unfortunately for us, the gags consist of insensible macho lines, bad action, and too many washed-up action stars. So washed-up that it diluted any potential impact. Their flat characters are even flatter this time despite obvious childish attempts at character development. Even more criminal, though, is that the elements that made the first one a success--80s action violence--was so poorly executed that it seemed like they originally been filmed it with PG-13 in mind, then threw violent cutaways in as an afterthought. With strong direction and writing, Jean-Claude Van Damme can appear halfway normal--without it though, he's a sauntering, round-house-kicking buffoon. It's a shame because I was looking forward to seeing him as a villain. Arnold and Bruce's cameo at the end is not nearly enough to save an already sunken ship. And don't get me started on Chuck Norris. All around a lack-luster, boring, and miserable experience.


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