Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Science Project (1985)

High school teens get into trouble when they find an extra-terrestrial engine with time-space warping properties. From a T-Rex (presumably a puppet, no CGI or stop-motion) walking in-frame across the screen (possibly the best pre-Jurassic Park T-Rex?) to tons and tons of 80s lightning, this film is a special effects feast for the eyes. While the film takes its time trying to develop the characters (even though they are all pretty much one-dimensional), the final third of the film is the meat, containing the majority of the (great!) special effects. I swear, the film is worth it on the effects alone. Fisher Stevens plays a hit-or-miss Brooklynese-talking sidekick with a few good zingers and a lot of bad ones. Dennis Hopper plays their half-baked science teacher. As a nice treat, the closing credits song is deliciously 80s.


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